Helping Neighbours Near and Far



We provide personal, prayer, and monetary support for the Chaplains at Kenmore State High School.

We collect and distribute hampers of goods such as non-perishable food items, toys for children, linen and toiletries. These regularly go to support a Women’s Refuge and occasionally for some special ministries such as Prison Ministry and Indigenous Ministires. 

Hamper Items needed: Toiletries such as shampoo 250-300 ml, soaps individually wrapped, deodorant 50 ml, toothbrushes (individually wrapped), face washers. Families need canned hams, tinned vegetables, pasta, pasta sauce, rice, baked beans, noodles, canned tuna/salmon,  toys and books for children and adults.

Australia:  Kenmore Uniting Church raise funds for the Uniting Church’s Frontier Services which gives a helping hand to people in the outback.  




Limbong School a school in North India which is providing local education for children in dangerous mountain areas where children walking a long way to school are at risk of being captured for trafficking or by militants.

We  also support the Christmas Bowl, and various projects for overseas development through Uniting World, the Uniting Church’s partnership programmes with countries in our region.

From time to time, other mission causes may be suggested and supported by special fund-raising events.

Half of the income from our Refreshed Lifestyle Shop goes to projects such as these, as well as direct gifts from our members to the Hamper Ministry and through Lent Event and the Christmas Bowl.