Cool & Classic Concerts



First concert for 2025 is coming this month.

Tickets available through Trybooking by 

clicking HERE – BOOK NOW.

Turn in at the Kindergarten sign seen below for parking

on-site. Extra parking is available at the Anglican Church

100 metres further along Moggill Road. 



Cool & Classic Concerts

2025 Year’s programme:



Cool & Classic Concerts

began in 2010 when  Kenmore Uniting Church decided to

run a series of three professional concerts each year

covering  jazz, classical music and something different. 

These concerts have been run every year since and the idea of an intimate concert where the musicians communicate with the audience and then meet with them following the concert for afternoon tea has become very popular with its audience.  Over the ten years we have developed a mailing list of interested concert goers of over 100 and provided a local opportunity for many people who are unable to go to concerts in the city as well as other simply enthusiastic music lovers.

A phone call before hand means we can provide seats with arms and special parking for those who need it. There is wheelchair access to the church where the concerts are held and from there to the Community Centre for afternoon tea. Prices are particularly family friendly with discounts for Pensioners, University students and especially low prices for school age children and free entry for pre-schoolers.